Friday, May 22, 2020
Choosing A Career At Young Age - 743 Words
â€Å"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life ´s coming attractions. (Albert Einstein)†Choosing a career at young age expands the imagination in one ´s mind. At the age of five, my imagination was expanding because that was all I thought about. Growing up to me meant there would be plenty of responsibilities that would have to be taken care of. This is something that our parents teach us while growing up. What is more important of those teachings is the significance. If you can pursue any career path, then do it without the ideas of others. This is what I did. The actions of others affect your thoughts. My elementary and middle school years changed my perspective of how my life would be while growing up. I experienced bullying and behaviors that left me surprised. There were careless teachers, rude comments of how I would grow up to be, and the words, â€Å"You will never be good enough†unspoken, but still meant. I would just think this was normal, b ut it would continue for years. Then bad things turn for the good. I was given the opportunity to start over by going to a new school. There I was exposed to the career of Criminal Justice. This is where I had my mind set. The past years of bullying affected my way of making decisions. I felt like I had to run my decisions through somebody. That somebody were my parents. Each one of our parents dream of their child ´s future, so I was hoping we both had the same thoughts. After being at my new school for one year, IShow MoreRelatedChallenges Students Face When Choosing A Career Essay1182 Words  | 5 PagesFace when Choosing a Career Today, choosing a career can be problematic especially within the new graduates, and the choice of career path is not always in our hands. 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